
In this Blog, I aim to find and befriend all the pets accessible to Rangers and share it here for other people to see :)

If any of you have found more pets and know exactly here you got them, then send a picture of where you found it to my email. You can easily use 'Paint' to mark where you found your pet, Thank you xxx

Monday, 8 July 2013

Red Jellyfish, been a long time...

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but EVERYTHING has been happening, as in; end of college, exams, getting a job etc. etc.
But now its the holidays I've gotten into Guild Wars 2 again and aim to get every last pet for you guys :)

Ok, in the Middle-West of Bloodtide Coast (South of Lion's Arch) is a place called Sanguine Bay. This is East of the Barrier Camp Waypoint and Grand Barrier Isle. There is an interest point called Morgooroo, where a load of Quaggans (or small, fat, dolphine people) live and guard themselves. A little West of this point is a Platinum Ore and just Northg of that is a group of Jellyfish near some purple and green tentacle plants. In the group are two Juvenile Red Jellyfish :)

Warning: This area is ranged from levels 45-55 and in this specific area there are level 52 animals that will attack you. Not something our beginners should try x


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